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Floral Spray & Wreath for MILITARY Services


We will bring 24 roses to your service. Choose color: red, yellow, white or pink.
(Local Florists charge up to $200)


 Floral Spray

A graceful combination of in-season flowers such as red carnations, miniature carnations, snapdragons, white lilies, blue delphinium, eucalyptus and more. 
Approximately 27”x42” Delivery & Stand Included.


 Floral Wreath

A lovely array of in-season flowers such as blue hydrangea, red carnations, blue delphinium, red gladioli, white cushion spray chrysanthemums

and more.
Approximately 25”x 25” Delivery & Stand Included.


Floral Spray & Wreath for SPOUSE Services



We will bring 2 dozen (24) roses to your Service.

Choose rose color: red, white, yellow or pink.

Local florists charge up to $200. 



 Floral Spray


Flowers such as purple hydrangea and asters, lavander mums and gladioli, pink roses, yellow carnations, snapdragons & chrysantemums. Approximately 25”x 25”


 Floral Wreath


Flowers such as green hydrangea, hot pink spray roses, pink gladioli and carnations, lavendar and yellow chrysantemums - accented by greenery. Approximately 25”x 25”



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